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 Join the movement of parents demanding school shooting prevention 

This is the rebuilt Sandy Hook Elementary School. It features state-of-the art protection for students and staff against the dangers of a school 


No one wants to think about the horror of gun violence in our children’s schools. And yet, school shootings have joined the dangerous threats of fires and earthquakes. 


is that school shooting safety measures are not yet mandated by law. Many schools claim they have procedures and protocols in place to deal with a potential school shooter. These include measures such as drills to practice hiding under desks or coat closets as bullets burst through windows and doors.


This is not protection. Nor is it practical to arm teachers and expect them to fight gun battles. Strict fire regulations for school buildings keep 

students and staff safe from fire. But until equally rigorous regulations to protect schools from shooters are enacted, communities are on their own. 

"Oh My God, It's Our Children!"

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1958 response:

The public shock and outcry in response to this tragic school fire resulted in the conceptualization of modernized fire safety features by the Safety to Life committee. These features were immediately implemented in over 1500 schools within one year, making it the fastest and most sweeping design response to building codes in United States history. This monumental effort has effectively prevented another fire tragedy inside a K-12 school since 1958, over 66 years ago.

"Oh My God, It's Our Children!"

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2012 response:​​

The public shock and outcry to the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre resulted in a failed US senate vote to close the Gun Show Loophole (written in honor of the slain children of Sandy Hook) leaving the parents who were asked to attend in a state of shock and disbelief, sobbing for their dead children.


Since the Sandy Hook tragedy, there have been over 400 U.S. school shootings, including 9 this year. But there has still been no policy or building safety features relevant to protect human life in school shooting


Since Sandy Hook, 117 people have been killed and 170 injured by gunfire and over 338,000 exposed to trauma according to a school shooting tracker NBC News is making public..

 The Safety to Life Committee 


The Our Lady of the Angels School fire in 1958 led to significant changes in fire safety codes for schools throughout the U.S. Here are some of the key safety features that were learned and installed as a result of the tragedy:

These changes were aimed at preventing such a tragedy from happening again. They represent a significant improvement in the standards for school design and fire safety codes.

The reaction to the fire was more rapid, more sweeping, and arguably more effective than the reaction to any other single fire in U.S. history.

Parents please join us in the fight for children's rights!



Felix and Kimberly Rubio Testify on The Urgent Need to Address the Gun Violence Epidemic

"I left my daughter at that school, and that decision will haunt me for the rest of my life." 

~Felix & Kimberly Rubio

Mom - “She wanted to make a difference. I want that for her now. She still can so if people could help that dream be realized, that be great”


Dad - ”We're going to need help from others. Can't just be us two!”


Parents, after 35 years of fatalities, traumatized families and communities, school shootings are not still not legally recognized as public emergency safety hazards. 

● There have been over 1160 injuries on k-12 campuses. These incidents have resulted in the tragic loss of over 520 lives, including children as young as 6 years old. 

● The design dynamics of our schools are lethal safety hazards during school shootings, 

● It is crucial that schools universally mandate school shooting safety measures, this will have an immediate positive impact for the safety and well-being of our students


There have been over 700 school shootings since Columbine in 1999.

Codifying school shooting safety in building codes is an existential safety matter regarding school shooting protection for children and teachers. By joining the fight to implement these crucial changes, we can work towards putting an end to this national nightmare and creating a safer future for our educational institutions. Let us stand together in safeguarding the well-being and future of our children.


Introducing a New Approach to Building Codes: Saving Lives from School Shootings

Have you ever wondered if adding shooting prevention measures to building codes could truly save lives from shootings like they have from fires?


Imagine this scenario: you move to a new school district and discover that their approach to safety is drastically different from what you're used to. Fire safety measures are non-existent, with fire sprinklers and fire escapes removed from a wooden building. When questioned about this, the district casually responds, "We don't expect a fire to happen, so there's no need to worry. If a fire does occur, your child should be fine in an emergency." Would you find this acceptable? Of course not. 


Universally mandating two simple adjustments in the building code that will drastically mitigate mass casualty by creating safe zones and emergency shooting exits in lieu of traditional ones:

  1. Placing Polycarbonate glazing on all exterior entry points vestibule door glass panel denying forced entry and interior glass classroom panels and faculty office spaces 

  2. A minimum level 5 Bullet resistant classroom door is placed on every classroom, office space areas where a teacher, student might be forced to suddenly hide and seek shelter from a sudden attack. 

These simple features work exactly the same as fire prevention in the event of a school shooting, giving students and parents peace of mind! We all can get behind that.


Please be a part of our Army of parents and fight for the rights of all students and teachers!!! No donation or pledge of service is too small.

When you make a donation…

●   The Safe Zone Solution is a 5013 c that was formed to conceptualize design plans specifically targeted to design, install and fund bullet-resistant school shooting safety features on K-12 campuses (which current building codes are failing to provide) at absolutely no cost to the school district. 

Does my donation pay for the school's safety features? 

●   No. We have a team of grant writers that handles all funding campaigns.. From start to finish we streamline the process for the school. Your donations fund Safe Zones Solution, a very important public community outreach for children's advocacy!

What other kinds of things do my donations pay for ? 

  • Organizing local advocacy and community outreach 

  • Legal fees: The safe zone will be having to challenge building code legislation for children safety codification. this will require legal cost ) 

  • Research: Safe Zone Solution would like to conduct tests on various ballistic products. We study internal building dynamics and the integrity of various products so we can be educated on cutting edge technologies to inform the building and safety codes 

  • Travel expenses: When a school calls from anywhere in America we in many cases have to travel to the school to walk through the school to make a comprehensive Safe Zone Plan for the school with the appropriate vendors. 

  • Social media campaigns, printing and advertising costs

Take the journey with us!


We have begun the process of seeking grants from local, state and federal sources, as well as an outreach effort to philanthropic individuals and organizations. This effort to obtain the necessary grants itself requires some financial assistance so that we can hire grant writers and the other personnel we require to move our project forward. For this we turn to you. No contribution is too small to help us put the pieces in place in this grand effort of protecting our children from school shooters as fundamental right inside  K-12 schools 

The School Safe Zone Solution is a

501(c)3 non-profit.

We are not affiliated with and have no financial interest in or gain from

any products referenced in our materials.

For more information, or to find out how you can help be a part of the solution,

please contact us at:

541-274-1449   |

© 2023 Safe Zone Solutions

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